

举办时间: 2013/11/1 至 2013/11/3

展会城市: 中国 广东 广州市


所属类别: 家居家饰


举办展馆: 广州保利世贸博览馆
With a growth rate of about 25% in recent years and a current output value of 14-15 billion yuan in mattress industry, China has developed into one of the world’s most important mattress production bases and the most promising markets. Currently, it is experiencing rapid growth in China and boasts huge market potential, raising great concern from overseas counterparts. In particular, the mattress and sofa industry maintain double-digit growth every year and export businesses also develop quite well.

To set up a professional trading and purchasing platform for market expansion in mattress industry, China (Guangzhou) International Mattress Expo 2013 (CIME 2013) will be staged in Poly World Trade Expo Center during November 1-3, 2013. It is jointly sponsored by Guangdong Enterprises Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation, Guangdong Dealers Chamber of Commerce, GD-HK Economic & Cooperation Exchange Association and Hong Kong Grandeur International Exhibition Group Limited. Covering an exhibition area of 10,000 square meters, CIME 2013 will invite overseas visitors from the following countries and regions: USA, Britain, Malaysia, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, South Korea, Hungary, Canada, New Zealand, Middle East, etc. We look forward to your participation!
※床垫生产布料及加工机械设备类展区:床垫布、床垫材料、床垫围边设备; 电脑缝纫设备、 木工设备、缝中设备、印花设备、床垫弹簧机械设备、席梦思床垫设备、床垫各种测试仪器等;
※床垫配套类展区:床垫材料 拉链、床脚 | 板条、 棉毡、椰棕 、 塑胶套、 塑胶套、床网荚、边织带、气动杆、 透气孔、环保棉毡 、排骨床架、床网弹簧、床垫编织袋 、角码、床垫平行网、家具纸板 、PK棉 、床垫标牌 、床垫画纸 、包角护角、床垫商标、床垫角标、床垫说明书、 床垫PVC胶画、 床垫VIP跟踪卡、床垫瓦楞纸包角 、 床垫护角珍珠棉 、灰纸板等;

Mattresses: 3D mattress, spring mattress, latex mattress, palm mattress, jade mattress, inflatable mattress, water mattress, magnetic mattress, camping mat & pad, far infrared mattress, etc;
Mattress Fabric & equipment: mattress fabric, mattress tape edge equipment, computer sewing equipment, woodworking tool, printing equipment, testing instrument, etc;
Mattress accessories: zipper, cotton blanket, coconut fibre, pneumatic rod, plastic mattress cover, ventilated air hole, corner protector, trademark, mattress guide, chip board, etc.(www.cnena.com)

电话:84600937、 84600936

手机:13661314152、 13520548763、19919912981、15810646598

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