举办时间: 2014/4/24 至 2014/4/26
展会城市: 中国
所属类别: 建筑材料
BMCHINA2014第11届中国(重庆)国际绿色建筑装饰与节能科技博览会 专题展
The 11th China Chongqing International Green Building Energy-savingsExhibition
China ChongqingOverseas Property & Investment Immigration Exhibition 2014
Date:April. 24-26, 2014
Venue:Chongqing International Convention& Exhibition Center, Chongqing China
Date :April. 4-24, 2014
Venue: Chongqing International Convention& Exhibition Center, Chongqing China
中外投资网 海外搜房网 重庆搜房网 新浪乐居
Organizer:Chongqing jianyuExhibition Co., Ltd.
ChongQingFederation of Industry & Commerce (General Chamber) Association of Dealersof Building Materials
<Chinese Biz News> <Global Real Estate> <Globallandmarks> <Juwai>
< Global Times > < Global real estate information network>< Wnosden Media > < Universal's home> <Sina leju> < Chongqing daily newspaper> < Chongqing Morning News> < ChongQing Evening News > < Chongqing times>
Chongqing TV (CQTV) Chongqing SatelliteTV Chongqing traffic radio
咨询热线Hotline: 023-62925058 / 13983134299
2、重庆介绍Introductionof the Exhibition:
As the Municipality of People’s Republic of China, National Central City, Chongqing is the economic , financial, shipping, politics, culture, education, science and technology center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, national comprehensive passenger transport center, export processing base inland and the first area inland to open wider to the outside world, modern manufacturing and high-tech industry base in China, industrialization of scientific research base and demonstration area of ecological civilization in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the demonstration area for development of circular economy in the central and Western Regions, the region of the western development drive by Chinese government, pilot area of national urban and rural comprehensive reform, city of national historical and cultural, a international metropolis.
According to statistics, there are12,500 millionaires and 800 billionaires in Chongqing. Investors to buy overseas propertyare expected to be not less than 200,000. There is a huge demand for overseasproperty investment in Chongqing.
热捧: 海外置业大势兴起,华人热衷海外房产
Beentouted:Overseasreal estate trend rising, Chinese crazy for oversea property.
财富: 重庆千万富豪12500人,亿万富豪800人
Wealth:12,500 millionaires and 800billionaires in Chongqing.
唯一: 重庆海外置业投资移民第一展,独一无二的海外地产销售平台
Uniqueness:The first Overseas Property& Investment Immigration Exhibition in Chongqing,unparalleled sales platform for oversea realestate.
Quality:Global oversea mansion show together, reveal the ultimate taste.
精准: 面向置业、投资、移民、留学、海外旅游等高端人士联谊推广
Precision:Advertising to high-end personage ofreal estate/investment/immigration/study abroad/oversea tourism.
联袂: 商会、协会等20多家机构联袂推广,共同邀请参观嘉宾
Co-marketing:More than 20 institutions of chambersand associations joint to promote and invite visitors.
传播: 逾100家媒体整合推广,报刊杂志全程追踪、电视台现场采访直播
Spread:More than 100 medias intergrating promoting; Newspapers and magazine wholecourse tracking; TV station live interview on live.
推广: 建宇展览团队丰富的专业观众数据库及展会推广经验
Promotion:jianyu expo group ‘s rich database of professional audience and exhibitionpromotion experience.
发展: 全场演绎奢华品牌,展示富丽生活,一站式采购咨询服务配套
Development:Fullinterpretation of luxury brands.; Showing the rich live; One-stop procurementadvisory services.
海外房地产开发商Overseas Real Estate Developers;
海外留学和培训机构Overseas education and training institutions;
移民服务机构Immigration Servicer;
银行和金融机构Banking and FinancialInstitutions;
律师事务所law firm;
国际投资咨询机构International investment consultancy;
中介代理、媒体、室内设计与装潢Metamediary/ Media/Interior Design and decorate
1)参展费用:人民币16000元/ 9m2
Standard booth: CNY 16,000/booth; (9 squaremeters)
Note: Standard booth fee includes a show spaceof 9 sq.m.(3×3 meters) with construction,Exhibition floor carpet, booth title, two spotlights, one negotiation table,two chairs, two lamp ,one 220V/5Apower socket .
Open space:CNY 1,680 /sq.m.
Note: Openspace fee includes a show space of at least 36 sq.m., excluding any facilities.Expenses on
exhibitionequipment, power and booth construction shall be borne by exhibitors. Specialdecoration fee
shall beadditionally paid to the Exhibition Center.
1) 参展单位请详细填写《参展申请表》,并加盖公章后传真或交寄至大会组委会。报名后3天内将参展费用一次性汇入大会组委会指定帐号,从而确定展位,否则所定展位不予保留。Exhibitors shall complete the Application Formin detail with their official seals stamped before faxing or mailing it Form tothe organizing committee, and remit relevant exhibition fee to the bank accountdesignated by the organizing committee within 3 days after the registration forreservation of the booths; or otherwise no booth will be reserved.。
2) 参展单位参展后,请将单位LOG、一张宣传图片,100字以内的展品信息(不含联系方式)提供给主办单位,用于免费刊登《参观指南》,(截稿时间:2014年4月12日)
Exhibitors shall sendcompany profile or product introduction (within 200 words) to be published freeof charge in the Show Catalogue inthe form of Microsoft Word to cnfair@163.com before fApril 12, 2014. Thecontent cannot be published if delayed.
3) 展览会展品运输及报关、签证、参展代表住宿、主要活动、物品租赁等各项服务事宜,详见《参展指南》,在展览会开幕前一个月传真或邮寄。
Please refer to Exhibition Guidance for all servicematters including exhibits' transportation and customs declaration, visa,exhibitors' accommodation and main activities, equipment rental, specialdecoration, utilities of water and power at the booth. Exhibition Guidanceshall be faxed or mailed one month before the opening ceremony of theExhibition.
7、联系我们Contact us:
联系人Contact: 王小姐 手机Cell:13983134299 QQ:1346422139
单 位Organizer:
重庆建宇展览有限公司Chongqing jianyu Exhibition Co., Ltd.
电 话Phone: 023-8637600062925058 86376228
传 真Fax:023-86376218 E-mail: jianyuzl@163.com
地 址: 重庆市南岸区江南大道19号城市之光大厦10F4室
Address: Room 10F4 BuildingChengshizhiguang, No.19 Jiangnan Avenue, Nan'an District,
Chongqing China
邮 编Postcode: 400060
电话:84600937、 84600936
手机:13661314152、 13520548763、19919912981、15810646598
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